No. 23: Negotiations gone South
It didn't take long to get the boys to their positions at various points in the house.
Cliff and Stryder were standing down at door, watching the Professor making his way to the line of black. Venn was positioned at the roof with a control panel in his hand, when Terra came bounding up behind him. He glanced at her, then took a double take.
"You went and changed?!" He gapped.
"Well yeah! I can't very well fight in a skirt now can I? you idiot!" She remarked with a grin. Venn shook his head in wonder. Never had he seen her in jeans before, though if he allowed himself, he'd admit that she looked good in them.
Kaleigh had given her a change of jeans and a pair of boots she had found in one of the various rooms in the mansion. At first Terra didn't understand the how Kale could think of clothes in their situation, but when she pointed out she was in a skirt it fell in line.
So here she was, in jeans for the first time in years, about to fight for her life.
"You ready for this?" Venn asked.
She glanced over at his dark green energy mark and shook her head.
"Nope. Not at all. You?"
He chuckled nervously, but agreed with her whole heartedly.
"Yeah...Same here."
"Can you hear anything they're saying?" Cliff asked.
"No." Stryder said. Cliff rolled his eyes.
"Some Savior you turned out to be." He grumbled.
"But I can read their lips." Stryder added.
"Ah! Well that's something we can use. Come on, lets get closer."
Just then Kaleigh bounded around the corner.
"Oi! what are you two doing? Where's Brandon?"
"We're just going for a stroll," Cliff said with that stupid grin she'd learned to be wary of.
"Oh yes, with fifty armed men out there. Lovely time to have a stroll." She stated, faking a British accent.
"You two I swear! Where's Brandon?"
"He's in the Professor's room remember? He's got to watch the Professor to give the rest of us a signal."
"Okay, I've got to go see if he needs any help. You two stay out of trouble got it?! If I see you two doing anything remotely suspicious I will blast you off the ground."
Cliff rolled his eyes again and nudged Stryder's arm, and then the two were off. Kaleigh sent up a prayer of safety for them and the rest of their team.
Then she bounded off again for the Professor's office.
Cliff led Stryder down the fields through the trees that lined the property.
"We close enough now?" He said in a hushed whisper.
"Yeah, should be fine." Stryder mumbled. "You don't happen to have binoculars do you?"
" I don't happen to have binoculars. It's not something I carry on my person all the time. Though now that I think about it I probably should because it would be so useful in situations like this, or keeping an eye on my sister, or making sure no one steels my food."
Stryder rolled his eyes and completely ignored him half way through Cliff's rambling. He concentrated on the Professor, who was addressing the line of fifty men.
"What's he saying?" Cliff cut in.
"He's asking for the leader to step forward."
They waited anxiously for someone to do as the Professor said. And when he did, Stryder almost choked.
"You okay?"
He nodded hastily and gained composure again.
"Yeah. They're introducing themselves. The guy in black's name is Sage."
Cliff studied the enemy closely, but wasn't impressed by much.
He was tall, and sort of gangly looking. He had black hair that hung in his dark eyes that looked like black holes. He wore black combat boots and some sort of black armor that wasn't as big as the normal armor Cliff had seen police men wear in TV shows and such. But covering the armor, was a trench coat, making him stand out against the others who just wore the uniform armor.
"What are they saying now?" Cliff asked quietly.
"Professor is asking for them to just leave. He's trying to deny the fact that there is anybody here. He's trying to say all the kids are gone on holiday." Stryder answered.
"That's a reliable excuse."
"Yeah. Except it didn't work."
Cliff sighed. "What'd the trench coat say?"
"He's had the school under surveillance for weeks, and knew we were here." Stryder said, chewing on his bottom lip.
"Well we're not surprised. That's a reasonable step to take. Plus they had a freaking spy in the school so yeah that's to be expected."
"Why do you have to be so reasonable." Stryder muttered.
"Nothing." He said quickly, rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to the two figures in middle of the field.
"Sage is now asking for him to hand over the Elemental's and promising he wont hurt the Professor, or anyone else that's on campus."
"Yeah well the Professor's obviously going to refuse." Cliff mumbled. Stryder nodded in agreement as he watched the Professor do just that.
"He did. Now they're glaring at each other and he's walking away."
Cliff inhaled sharply at the Professor's daring move by turning his back on the enemy. But when he watched the guy in the trench coat give a hand signal, a cold chill ran down his spine.
There was a single bullet shot, and the Professor was thrown to the ground.
"No!" He cried.
Stryder jumped on Cliff, trying to keep him back in the cover of the trees.
But Cliff's Element took advantage of his emotional state and burst forth like a dam had broke.
Stryder swore as he heard the thunder clap loudly above. He glanced up and watched as black clouds rolled in fast, as if he was watching it through a sped up camera. Rain poured down violently, soaking everything in a few seconds flat. But what he didn't expect, was the sudden crack of lightening that exploded the ground in front of the enemies line. A scream pierced the silence, and the ground rumbled.
"You have got to be kidding me. Just my luck get stuck with a bunch of freaks who can't control anything." Stryder muttered under his breath as he struggled to keep Cliff where he was. Stryder knew that Cliff wouldn't stay where he was, and knew that he'd pick a fight if he let go.
Stryder saw the Professor shift in his peripheral vision, and knew he wasn't dead yet.
He made a split second decision and threw Cliff against a tree, causing him to hit his head and pass out.
"Stupid idiot." He grumbled, then turned back to the enemy line.
The ground was still moving under them, and the rain prevented much sight to be had.
He ran out of the safety of the woods and to the Professor.
Stryder slipped on the wet grass that he realized was mixed with water and blood. He turned Wallace over, he saw that the bullet had gone through his shoulder, severing an artery, which would account for all the bleeding. Stryder's hands came away red, but he ignored that fact.
"Come on Professor. We've got to get you out of here." He said, straining to pick up the Professor's weight.
It was a struggle to get the Professor to the woods with the fear that the enemy would shoot at him, or worse.
But Kaleigh, and Venn made sure they were occupied. The grass under them grew into vines, wrapping around their feet. The lightening and water electrocuted them extensively, agonizing screams filled the air, the smell of scorched skin filled his nostrils, making him nauseous.
The strain of keeping the Professor up right, and moving was an impossible task. But the knowledge that Kale and Venn couldn't keep the attack going forever, kept his burning legs moving.
Once in the cover of the forest, he dragged the Professor deep into the trees. He pulled off his jacket and ripped it into strips, winding them around his shoulder as tight as he could, hoping it would stop the bleeding.
Then he ran back to get Cliff and drag him into safety as well before running through the underbrush and back to the mansion.
Kaleigh had seen Stryder drag the Professor into the forest, once she saw that they were clear she let go of her Element and collapsed on one of the vast balconies on the front of the mansion.
Terra fell to her knees next to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulders.
"He's not dead, Kale." She said in a firm tone. "Not yet anyways. The Professor has a lot of fight in him. It's going to take a lot more than a single bullet to take him down. Now come on, you've got to activate stage one, while I smack Venn out of his daze."
Kale ran her sleeve under her nose and nodded as she crawled to her feet and headed to the basement while Terra headed to the roof.
Terra's life vision swept the floor above her as she made her way up the stairs as fast as she could, glad she had changed into jeans so her legs weren't restricted in her skirts, allowing her to move faster than she normally could have.
Once on the roof she saw the heap of green near the edge of it, she hurried to reach him before he did something stupid.
"Venn! Venn get away from the edge before you kill yourself." She cried, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
"Why, why does everyone always have to leave?" She heard him mumble.
Her heart broke for him, as she pleaded with her Father to ease his burdens.
"We all have our time Venn. It's part of life, and yes it's hard, so, so hard, but everything that happens to us, falls from God's hands after her personally sees that it will benefit us in some way."
"How? How could this possibly benefit us?" He asked, looking back up at her with red eyes. He was leaning back against his arm, his back against her chest where he had fallen when she pulled him back. Her feathery touch was still on his skin, but he wasn't focusing on any of these. It was the way her face showed a feeling he hadn't seen in her. Like she understood something that he couldn't have hopes of understanding.
"Ever heard of that saying 'God never gives us more than we can handle?'" She asked.
Venn nodded, and shifted so he was sitting up straight, and on his own.
"Well it's garbage."
His head jerked up. That was not what usually followed after that statement.
"God gives us more than we can handle so we learn to call on Him for strength. 'Cause we'll never make it through on our own, end of story." She stated bluntly and with such a dead pan face it was probably one of the most bizarre things he had ever seen.
"The Professor isn't dead yet, so stop moping and lets go, we've got jobs to do and your sister is already on her way to start phase one." Terra said gently as she tugged on his arm firmly. He got up to his feet and got a grip with reality, he couldn't afford to fall apart now, not when they were about to get into what could possibly be a full fledged battle. He'd deal with emotions at the end of the day when it was over.